Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bright Spirits

We began with Christmas tears,
Instead of Christmas wishes.
When Daddy fibbed to Ace,
That Santa'd brought him switches!
 Christmas morning found us smilin'.
A merry change in mood
As we opened tons of presents
and gorged ourselves on food.
 But the best gift of all
wasn't bought by money...
 It was just sharing Christmas
 with our Sashi and our Honey.
 So now begins the cleanup
Ugh, to take down our decors,
 So here is one last Christmas smile
from our fam'ly to YOURS!
(So thankful for a safe holiday filled with smiles and snuggles.  Here's hoping we can teach the kids to be a little less-spoiled next year cus they sure didn't learn that lesson this year.)