Saturday, June 13, 2009

I hate bullies...

I got so upset today...after a wonderful morning.

First - the morning:
Ace and I had a really busy morning (Daddy had to work). We went to Lowes at 9am to build a putting hold for Daddy. Too bad that the workshop didn't start until 10! AH! Instead of going back home, we played at Lowes. We touched every flower in the nursery and explored every cabinet in the kitchen section (it really made me want to overhaul my kitchen with all of the neato drawers and cabinet choices they have now). 10am rolled around and after 20 minutes of hammering and chasing after the golf ball, wa-la!
From there, we hit the bookstore. I wanted some toddler devo ideas. Ace found a sticker book that he HAD to have and finally gave to the cashier so we could buy it.

After that, it was off to the McDonald's playplace where my subject line comes into play...

Watching my most precious Ace crawl all over the playplace was fun until the little bully came in. I watched him bar Ace from going down the stairs, tap Ace's head and twist another little boy's ear. I think he pushed Ace over at one point but there was a plastic thingy in my line of vision and Bully's older brother went over and picked Ace up off the floor. My heart just hurt watching this little bully's meanness. Bully kept looking at his mom and smiling at her. It would have been a sweet smile if I hadn't been watching his behavior.

I wanted to go comfort Ace each time the bully reared his ugly head but I didn't.
I wanted to spank the little monster but I didn't.

I want to protect Ace from little bullies.
I want to prevent Ace from ever becoming like that.

I need to go take my anger out on something. Off to find some chocolate.


The Bailes said...

I hate bullies too...grrrr...way to not go crazy on the bully! Chocolate solves all the world's toughest problems, right?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree- I want to start bullying those kids myself!! We LOVE the lowes activities!!