I guess there's one good thing about hot and rainy Houston.

Posted by Unknown at 8:45 AM 3 comments
Posted by Unknown at 7:25 AM 3 comments
Posted by Unknown at 1:54 PM 2 comments
Posted by Unknown at 12:54 PM 3 comments
Here are some of our funny/ memorable moments from the past few weeks:
Ace sitting across from Jonathan at the dinner table asks, "Daddy, how was your day today?" then "Did you have a good day Dad?" I melted just listening to them!
Lily Kate let out a blood-curdling scream yesterday (while I was looking at her). I ran over to her to discover she had a death-grip on her HAIR and was pulling it out!
We call boobs "minnies" (I don't know why) and we use the same word for boys and girls. Ace asked me if Lily Kate would eat from "Daddy's minnies." I WISH!
Everyone has given me such a hard time for teaching Ace that his you-know-what is called a "don't touch." So I tried to change it and teach him it's called a weenie. He was in the bath last week and told me he was cooking his weenie for me to eat, that it would help me grow "big and strong." Commence faint.
Ace doesn't like to be taken out of the car by the ladies in the car line at preschool. Here's our conversation every schoolday morning:
"Mommy, you take me in."
"School doesn't let mommies come in, only kids."
"Even you?" (My heart melts at this point.)
Wish I could get all of these moments on video. This is the best part of mommy-hood for sure!
Posted by Unknown at 11:10 AM 3 comments
Posted by Unknown at 9:44 AM 1 comments